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legal notice

Legal notice


Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Geol. Rolf Schiffer
Treibweg 1
D-45772 Marl
phone +49 (0) 23 65 - 50 70 47
fax +49 (0) 23 65 - 20 54 97

Person responsible for content pursuant  § 6 MDStV
Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Geol. Rolf Schiffer

Layout, concept, design and implementation
SBS / SGS  – db design   – Roitzsch Computer Support

Legal notices
Any data and information contained in these internet sites are a service provided by Schiffer-Consult and do not constitute a replacement for a personal consultation by us. All data and information contained in this website were accurately investigated and verified. For accuracy, completeness and timeliness neither Schiffer-Consult nor third parties assume any liability.

Disclaimer, Copyright
The information provided and shown on these Internet pages may not be stored, copied or transmitted, either in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Schiffer-Consult. The structure as well as pictures, graphics and photos used on the website are subject to copyright of Schiffer-Consult, the creator or the respective photo agency. In spite of these efforts concerning consistency, completeness and correctness of the provided information Schiffer-Consult assumes no liability for the contents of this website.
This website contains numerous hyperlinks to other websites and internet services that are not operated by Schiffer-Consult. Schiffer-Consult is not responsible in any way for the contents of the linked websites, and cannot be held liable for them.
All statements especially take place to the supplier-labeling, in rules of § 6 teleservice act (Teledienstgesetz).